Our company partners with M & P Courier  to provide reliable delivery services for your order.

Delivery Timeline:

Domestic orders within Pakistan typically take 3 to 4 business days to arrive. For international shipments, please allow approximately 7 to 12 days for delivery.

Order Updates:

You will receive email notifications about your order status, including shipping information. For any questions regarding delivery, please contact our customer service team, and we will gladly assist you.

Payment Options:

We provide several payment options, including cash on delivery, bank transfer, Easy Paisa, and Jazz Cash. For international orders, we require advance payment.


Please note that there may be unforeseen delays with your shipment. If your order does not arrive within the expected timeframe, please contact us by emailing at loskinlondon@gmail.com, calling us at +923090343522, or sending us a message on WhatsApp at +923090343522. When reaching out to us, please have your order number ready, which you received via email when you placed your order.